Blog posts.
We might be confused and be all like:
“Dude, Lizard, chill…have a fucking cocktail and put your feet up”
But lizards don’t work like that. Their little claws cannot grasp cocktail glasses and, because they are largely waterproof, they have no need for umbrellas…even to keep their drinks dry. They are not like US, even though many of our thought processes originate in a tiny little lizard shaped acorn that sits on the top of our spinal column and which is the evolutionary foundation of our huge and useless brains.
There was a hill rising from the far side of the pond. It was only a little hill but it was quite pretty. It was covered in trees and it was being as green as it could be. The hill hadn’t always been so nice. Once, it had been a big lump with a gun on it that had been used for shooting down aircraft. In the end some of the people trying to shoot down aircraft had only been twelve years old because all of the adults were dead or busy. Imagine that …twelve year old children trying to shoot down real aircraft with a big gun? In the end, the gun stopped firing because all of the children were dead or terrified and then the mothers collected all of the bricks from the ruined city and piled them on top of the gun so it would forget how to fire.
Barely with me dear reader, as I relate the sorrowful tale of the darkling hole in the crunching depths of the broke mid-winter.Your patience please as I relate the details of what transpired though they may beggar belief even by my own low standards. Please forgive the occasional lapse into cannibal cant and my mangling of tenses.